These are some of our children at a breakfast party building a bug hotel which was their idea. The two boys from the left have been coming to Taunton since they were babes in arms.
Do not think if you are a Meeting which is elderly that you cannot engage with children.
We had two families who had baby boys. So I persuaded the Meeting to start a children's meeting. The parents and babies came and lay on a blanket and looked at one another and gradually started to play with one another and the babies came into the Meeting for ten minutes. The parents also gained friendship. The boys are now six years old and the children's meeting has between two and six attenders who come when and if they can.
Do not be down hearted. Modern families have many stresses and we as grandparents can be there for them.
Another way to engage was through holding a Peace Party at Quaker Week and inviting shopping families to take a break with free coffee, tea and juice and activities.
We made white doves, planted bulbs, decorated cup cakes and had a good time. Who knows where these efforts will percolate to. And as Grandparents we thoroughly enjoyed our time with the children in Taunton.
Another outreach idea was to raise a collection at Meeting in order to give a "Conscience" or "Conviction" packs Commemorating WW1 from QPSW Friends House to all schools in our area totaling £180. Some of the retired teachers in our Meeting introduced them personally to the schools. Again we shall not really know the influence, if at all, of this initiative. However we feel that we need to engage with young people in any way possible for the future.
For more about our Meeting go to